This is an exercise for Session 2 of the Discussion Group Guide. Its purpose is to start a discussion of activist class culture differences that participants have directly experienced. One person reads aloud as the others listen with their eyes closed.
Facilitator script:
“Close your eyes, breathe, go inside, and remember the most mixed-class social justice gathering you’ve been in (maybe a little mixed, maybe very mixed)
Do you remember a rally, a meeting, a conference? (If you have many memories, pick one.)
• When was it?
• Where was it? What was the space like (noisy/quiet, hot/cold, inside/outdoors)?
• Who was there?
• Thinking about the people and groups you thought were most different from your own class identity, why did you think so? What class indicators did you notice?
• What inspired or impressed you or gave you new ideas?
• What made you uncomfortable? Did you feel critical of anything, confused by anything, bad about yourself, afraid of anything?
• Make a mental note of your key positive and negative reactions.
• Did the people at the event have any difficulty relating or working together? If so, why? Might there have been class dynamics going on?
Gradually return to the present and when you’re ready, open your eyes.”
SHARE-BACK in the whole group
Each person briefly summarize your memory:
· Highlights of what/where/when?
· Who did you think was a different class than you, and why?
· Did anything make you uncomfortable, afraid, angry or ashamed?
· What inspired or impressed you or gave you new ideas?
· Did you see any difficulties that might have been class dynamics?
Open discussion